Summer Camp Mouth Injuries: 3 Signs Your Child Needs To See A Dentist

8 June 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles


Summer camp is a great time for children to socialize, explore new activities, and gain some independence. With so much freedom and fun, sometimes injuries do occur. The severity of an injury can have a large impact on the health of a child. If your child has a mouth injury from summer camp, it's important to be aware of potential long-term problems. In the case of the following three injuries, you should take your child to the dentist as soon as possible, even if you have to pull them out of camp for a day. Making the appointment quickly can have a huge difference on their oral health.

Crack or Chipped Teeth

A summer camp presents a lot of potential ways your child can trip and fall. This includes playing in rocky streams, walking on gravel camp path areas, or participating in an intense games of Capture the Flag. If your child falls and hits their mouth, they can easily chip or crack a tooth. A chipped or cracked tooth should be examined by a dentist as soon as possible. Even if the injury has occurred on a baby tooth, it can have an impact on the mouth.

For example, a chipped tooth can create a jagged edge that cuts the gums or tongue or digs into other teeth in the mouth. A cracked tooth can create a lot of pain if nerve endings are exposed. One of the more common treatments for this injury is a filling or cap. This will help return the tooth to the original state and prevent further problems in the future.

Discolored Teeth

A large impact to a tooth may not chip or crack it, but it can do damage to the nerves on the inside. If the nerve is damaged or destroyed completely, then the tooth will slowly start to die. As this process occurs, you may see a discoloration in the tooth. Instead of the traditional white tooth, the tooth will slowly transform into a gray color. Before the tooth starts decaying, you should take your child to a dentist. A dentist can help revive the tooth or replace it to help minimize the pain.

After the initial trauma occurred, it may be a few weeks before the discoloration is noticed. By making an appointment, you can help reduce the pain and swelling associated with a dying tooth. In some cases, a root canal procedure may be done to help save the tooth. If it is a baby tooth, then the dentist may decide to let it fall out naturally.

Knocked Out Teeth

Some summer camp activities may get so intense that your child loses a tooth. If this is the case, then you should get your child to a dentist within hours of the injury happening. If you are contacted by the camp, then you should contact a dentist as soon as possible. Depending on the time frame, you may be able to get the tooth placed back into the mouth. It all depends on if the roots of the tooth have survived and of the tooth was knocked out from the root.

If the tooth cannot be saved, it's still important to visit a dentist for the gap in the mouth. This gap can cause teeth to adjust. A dental implant may be installed to prevent these adjustments in the mouth. If your child still has adult teeth growing in, then the area may be monitored until a permanent solution can be set in place. A dentist may also perform x-rays to ensure that no other mouth damage has occurred. This includes damage to the jawbones or to the bones of other teeth.

Keeping the information for an emergency dentist available is ideal for situations like this. When signing your child up for camp, you can also leave dental contact information with their health file. This will allow the camp to contact a dentist directly and seek advice.

For more information, contact a local dental clinic or visit sites like