3 Things To Know About Avoiding The Pain Associated With Professional Teeth Whitening

28 June 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Articles


If you experienced extreme pain after going through professional teeth whitening services years ago, you may be afraid to go back to have this done again. Fortunately, you can now have your teeth professionally whitened without having to go through this extreme pain. Before you schedule an appointment for this though, you should know the following three things.

Why Teeth Whitening Causes Such Bad Pain

It's important to know that not everyone suffers from pain after getting their teeth whitened, but a lot of people do. Anyone that has sensitive teeth will most likely experience pain after whitening, and this is because of the reasons people have sensitive teeth to begin with.

Sensitive teeth are typically the result of exposed dentin on the teeth. Dentin is something that is found behind the enamel on your teeth, and it is considered part of the inside of your teeth. It can be exposed if your enamel is weak or missing, and it can be exposed from cavities that exist on your teeth or from receding gum lines.

The layer of dentin on your teeth contain small holes, often called pores or tubules, and these tubules lead to the roots and canals of your teeth. If anything gets inside the tubules, it can lead to major sensitivity and pain with your teeth. If you have experienced pain in the past from teeth whitening, it is most likely a result of exposed dentin.

What You Can Do Prior To Professional Whitening Services

If you want to get your teeth whitened and do not want to suffer through the pain of it, you will need to find a way to block the tubules in the dentin layer of your teeth. If you can do this, you will most likely be able to get your teeth whitened with little to no pain afterwards. The only problem is how you can effectively achieve this. Here are some tips that can help you block the tubules so your teeth are less sensitive:

  • Use desensitizing gel – This type of gel is something you can purchase at a pharmacy, and it is capable of reducing the sensitivity by blocking the tubules.
  • Use fluoride rinses – Fluoride is a mineral that is best known for its ability to strengthen the enamel on teeth. If you use fluoride rinses daily, your enamel may become stronger, and this will stop you from experiencing sensitivity from the exposure of dentin.
  • Make sure your teeth and gums are healthy before having this done – The other important step you should take is completing any dental work that is needed before you get your teeth whitened. If you have a cavity, get it filled. If you have the initial stages of gum disease, make sure you seek the necessary methods for repairing this problem in your mouth.

What Dentists Can Do To Help With This Pain

The third thing to know is that your dentist might be able to help you with this issue too. One option your dentist might suggest is using a topical high-concentration fluoride gel right after the teeth-whitening procedure. This gel will immediately close the tubules on your teeth, and it will protect you against extreme sensitivity.

The other option is to talk to your dentist about teeth-whitening methods that may not be as harsh as normal options. Your dentist might be able to use a different type of product to whiten your teeth, and it might not leave your teeth as sensitive.

If you want whiter teeth without the pain, talk to a dentist at a clinic like Willowdaile Family Dentistry. There are ways to avoid going through the pain of extreme sensitivity and yet still receive the benefits of professional teeth whitening.