Is Your Tooth Cracking? Here Are Reasons Why This Is Happening

22 August 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Have you noticed a crack on a tooth surface or felt it while chewing food? Cracks are a common dental issue and often occur unknowingly. Many people rarely notice it until they pass their tongue over the surface of the teeth. Once you discover a crack, you should visit a family dentist for an assessment. Depending on its size and cause, they may treat the issue as an emergency. Nonetheless, you need not wait too long to visit a dental expert. Once an enamel breaks and exposes the inner parts of a tooth, you'll risk damaging the pulp. In time, you may require root canal treatment if you don't fix the minor cracks. So how do teeth crack? Read on to know more.

You Prefer Using Teeth as A Tool

Although most people know that using teeth as a tool isn't recommended, they often ignore the advice. This habit may have been common amongst the primitive ancestors, but that doesn't mean you should use it too. Teeth are designed for breaking down food, enhancing speech, and improving your smile. Tasks like opening beverage bottles or cutting items require proper gadgets, not teeth, so protect your dental system at all times. Also, you want to avoid chewing on hard food substances like ice, uncooked popcorn kernels, and other similar food substances.

You Expose Teeth to Extreme Temperatures

When you pour an ice-cold liquid into a bowl that previously had a hot substance, it can crack easily or shatter completely. The enamel generally appears hard, but it will react similarly when exposed to too hot or cold substances. The hot substance causes the outer part of the tooth to expand, while the ice will cause contraction. This will create minor cracks on the enamel, which will worsen with time.

You Like Wearing Oral Jewelry

Some people prefer wearing oral jewelry on their tongues as a tradition or to enhance their attractiveness. While exploring all your preferred aesthetics is alright, you should familiarize yourself with the effects of wearing ornaments, particularly in the mouth. When you have a metallic embellishment or piercing moving around the mouth, you can easily chew on it. Even a minor bite against the enamel will do more harm. The enamel often weakens and eventually cracks, exposing the delicate parts of the tooth.

Make sure you schedule an appointment with your family dentist when you notice a tooth crack. The earlier you get proper treatment, the easier it will be to restore your oral health. Be sure to bring a piece of the broken enamel if you can find it.